The Beginning of the Silver Turquoise Bracelet
The use of Turquoise has been present throughout cultures as far back as the beginning of civilization. All throughout the world, the silver turquoise bracelet has, in some form or another, adorned leaders, sculptures, and buildings all to signify some level of important stature over the rest.
Since man has been able to manipulate stone and metal, silver turquoise bracelets have gone through many different processes in their technique. Earlier silver turquoise bracelets show that the artisanship differed greatly, but all had a similar crudeness to it depending on the effort that was made to forge the piece. During the Paleolithic age, if there is any evidence of silver turquoise bracelets then it’s rare. The process to manipulate stone was at the earliest was with using harder stones to complete. Manipulating metals would be even more difficult since the intense heat would have to be produced. The ability to do this would have provided someone with privileges over the rest of the community.
During this time, a turquoise bracelet would have been strung together using natural fibers from plants. The Neolithic period established more of a network between tribes and neighbor that established constant trade, helping to move elements like silver and turquoise and any silver turquoise bracelet art that may have been made. Not until the bronze and iron age would metal jewelry techniques be used.
Native American Culture and Silver Turquoise Bracelet Pieces
The European discovery of the New World brought many of the iron and stone working skills to the Americas. Although there were already techniques in place for stone, the Spanish taught the tribes how to manipulate silver using better techniques which seen throughout Native American culture today.
The significance in silver turquoise bracelets depended on the tribe, and normally turquoise would indicate luck or good health. Many times, it was used to honor those that passed away. Silver turquoise bracelets were also used for different rituals and ceremonies where the whole tribe may have been involved or for engagements. The designs also differed between the tribes where the silver turquoise bracelet might have more designs that are associated with the wildlife of the region.
Silver Turquoise Bracelets Today
You might find it a bit difficult to obtain a silver turquoise bracelet through mainstream jewelry stores. However, the style is often seen in more chic settings in recent years and becoming more prevalent in youth culture. The significance that it holds is not as broad in mass society as other minerals such as gold, and the stone is not traditional in the modern mass-marketing approach. For those that are looking for something as it relates to a December birthstone than one might have better luck.
Jewelry stores that specialize in a more artistic approach to jewelry making might have better luck finding a silver turquoise bracelet. There are many independent jewelry makers and designers that can custom make silver turquoise bracelets on request. This appreciation for such a beautiful piece shows that that person has a real connection with their heritage.